Advanced Excel Course


Training & Certification

Advanced Excel Training Course

Advanced Excel Training Course is delivered in classroom batches held on weekdays and weekends.


Course Objectives

Course Outline:


  1. Freeze panes
  2. Charts (Bar, Column, Line, Pie, Area, 3d
  3. Auto Sum on the Task-bar
  4. Usage of Top Ribbon Menu

Using Sort, Filter, Text-to-Column

  1. Sorting (number. alphabets, color, date, custom)
  2. Filter, Advanced Filter
  3. Text to column: Importing .txt files / CSV into excel (Bhav Copy)
  4. What-If Scenarios
  5. Solver
  6. Grouping and Sub-grouping

Creating Graphs & Chart

Formula Writing & Fixing Errors

  1.  Time Value of Money (PV, FV, nper, rate, PMT) + IRR, NPV
  2. Lookup: Vlookup, Hlookup
  3.  Sum, Sumproduct, Absolute, Integer, Round, Average, Count, Minimum, Maximum
  4.  IF, nested if, sumif, Count, CountIf, CountBlank, iferror and, or,
  5. Case, Position, Search, Trim, Right, Left, Concatenate
  6. Date & Time: Day and Time, Representation of Date in Excel, Conversion, Today, Day
  7.  Even, Exact, Exp, Find, Int, IsBlank, Left, Len, Lower, Upper, Proper, Now, Power

Working with Data

  1. Data Validation (List, Error Message)
  2. Identifying Invalid Data
  3. Dependent Data List
  4. Pivot Table (Pivot Chart)

Review and Security

  1. Password Protection
  2. Cells Lock
  3. Making excel as a form
  4. Track Changes

Using Macros

  1. Recording macros
  2. Running macros
Certification Details®
Course Name Exam No of (days)
Oracle SQL SQL Certification Exam 12c or 11g 1
Total 1
Course/Exam Name Duration Fees
SQL Course 24 hours or 12 classes Rs. 5,900
SQL Certification Exam -- Rs.10,900
Total Rs. 16,800

If you have more Comments or questions then you are welcome to our center.


The commonly asked questions pertaining to PMP Certification exam are -

There are no mandatory Prerequisites for taking the ITIL Certification exam - however the following helps to facilitate the process

  • Atleast one year of work experience in IT Service Management is recommended


    Understanding of the processes relating IT Service Management is helpful for successful certification

  • Yes, we recommend all participants to do our training as that will help them to assimilate all aspects of this domain and make their certification more meaningful - what is the use of certification if you cannot explain basic concepts.

  • We will provide you access to an Online Question Bank which has 4 mock exams. As you start with the first mock exam and move towards the other ones then you will find your score improving.

  • One can take either the online or the paper mode of exam. If you opt for online then we will provide you with the exam voucher and book your slot for the online proctored exam and you can appear for the exam. If however, you want to take the paper exam then the same will be held on the second day of the exam.

  • The exam will be conducted at our center under examination conditions in the presence of an invigilator.

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A Few Things to Love!

  • Experienced Training Partner
  • Certified /Industry Experts Trainers
  • Multiple Training Delivery Models
  • Customize Course
  • 24/7 e-Learning Access
  • Assessments and Mock Tests
  • Placement Assistance

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